I’ve really enjoyed being around the Internet the past few weeks talking about writing and Anabel. I am so grateful to all of the bloggers who hosted me on their websites!
For a complete rundown of the stops of the tour, you can check out the list here on Girl Who Reads.
Since this is a “Get to Know the Author” post, I decided to stick with a Top Ten List of things you may or may not know about me. So here goes:
1. I live in Virginia with my wonderful husband and three sons. I love VA and wouldn’t live anywhere else.
2. I originally came up with Anabel and her island back in 2001. My history teacher went on a rant one day about Fort Knox conspiracy theories and made a joke that perhaps there was an island out in the South Pacific that housed all of the United States’ gold. Eighteen-year-old me thought, “Hmm. That sounds like a book.”
3. I wrote the first draft of ANABEL UNRAVELED back in 2009. It went through many rewrites (including a complete scrapping of the ending. Twice) before I got a contract with eLectio Publishing in 2012.
4. My writing has been eerily predictive of my actual life. For instance, when I first wrote ANABEL UNRAVELED, Matt and his siblings all had “N” names. However, I changed that once my first little boy was born. Who has an N name. Just like his two brothers.
5. I used to work at bookstores–one being Borders, the other being an indie chain–before I left work to stay home with my kids and write. Being surrounded by books all day was awesome.
6. I write in bed. My chiropractor hates this (but I don’t see what her problem is, because it keeps me coming back to her). After having three babies in quick succession, I found that my only time for writing was at night, and I kept my little ones in my room for at least six months after they were born. So writing involves me, my laptop, and my comfy pillows.
7. I eat a grain-free diet because I have a great deal of digestive issues. When people ask me what I DO eat, I usually respond, “Bacon. Lots of Bacon.”
8. I freelance edit in addition to writing, so if you are looking for an editor, please keep me in mind:) I LOVE editing. For me it’s a stress relief, and I love helping fellow authors get their work to look perfect.
9. I am addicted to my Kindle app and Overdrive.
10. I am so grateful for every single person who has taken the time to check out my tour and support my writing. Thank you, thank you.
And don’t forget to enter my giveaway!
a Rafflecopter giveaway