What’s Going On With Anabel 3

Anabel 3 (and final) is about halfway written. I am trying to finish it by the end of the year, and am using NaNoWriMo as an excuse to try and pull 50K words out of me.

But I’m struggling, to be honest.

It’s not with the story–I know how the story goes, and I’ve written the end–the end that I have known would happen since I started the first version of Anabel Divided–but I think the problem is that once this is over, I’m going to miss Anabel. And Jared. And Matt. And Meghan.

I could go on.

The thing is…I made up Anabel when I was eighteen years old. She’s been in my life longer than my husband. And while I am excited about my new projects that I have awaiting me next year (which include writing a standalone novel and working on a  joint project with my friend Crystal), it just…I don’t know if it will be the same.

I guess I am worried about loving another character as much as I love Anabel. I really do love her like I do one of my own children. The joke that I often make is that I think if I had had a daughter, she would be like Anabel…which is probably why I have all boys.


All of that being said–I am excited to write about Cara, the heroine of my standalone. She’s very different from Anabel–physically and emotionally–and even though I am somewhat reticent to do so, I think I am ready to take on a new world.

So here’s to a productive November! 3K down, 47K to go!

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